All videos from Hidden Frontier Productions’ series catalog are now available through this website. This includes all “crossover” videos that were produced with our friends at Starship Intrepid Productions (“Orphans of War“, Star Trek: Operation Beta Shield, and “One of Our Own“). You can access the catalog of shows from our Productions page, or from the site menu.
Most videos available are available through this site have an embedded Vimeo player on their episode page. If you want to download one of our shows from Vimeo, click the Vimeo logo in the lower right-hand corner of the player. This takes you to the episode’s page on Vimeo. You must have a Vimeo account to download episodes.
The Remastered Editions of Star Trek: Hidden Frontier episodes available through this site have an embedded YouTube player on their page. As YouTube videos, they cannot be downloaded directly from that website. You would need an application to download and convert those episodes for your personal use. We are working with our partners at Season 26B Productions to get these episodes added to Vimeo with subtitles to permit downloading these welcome additions to our catalog.
We will be adding links to all of our episode pages with links to the available YouTube versions. This is both for your convenience and so that those fans that require closed captioning can enjoy our shows as well.