
We are pleased to announce that the first three episodes of Hidden Frontier Productions’ audio drama Star Trek: Diplomatic Relations are now available for online streaming and download.

Episodes can be listened to on their respective pages. They can also be downloaded from their pages on Spreaker, our audio hosting provider – just click on the album artwork on the left of the player.

The audio series RSS feeds have been setup and are available through Spreaker. Requests for podcast listings on iTunes have been submitted and are pending approval.

Episode DR 1.04 – “Détente” is ready for release. As soon as a release date is set, we will announce it here.


David has served in multiple capacities with Hidden Frontier Productions since 2008, including Wiki Administrator and Forum Administrator. He currently serves as webmaster for this website and Executive Producer of two of HFP’s audio series, Star Trek: Henglaar, M.D. and Star Trek: Diplomatic Relations.

David is a professional technical writer based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

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